
Friday, February 1, 2013

Fab Fridays!

The Everyday Joys
Today I am linking up with Laura at for Fab Fridays.
I am new to this link up so I thought it would be fun to give it ago and talk about the fab and positive stuff that has gone on today, this week, or even recently!
First off, I forgot that the new Scentsy book came out for consultants to view until I saw that Laura talking about it! Ahhhhh I am so excited for the next stuff and to share! I put warmers in most my rooms, but I think I might have to make a couple of them sample warmers for my book parties kit! I can't wait to smell some of the stuff! I like that Scentsy still makes me excited even after two years of selling it!
I think its fab that I am half way done with my homework that is due on Sunday! This may not sound like something special, but if you know me, you know that I am the biggest procrastinator and normally don't do the work until I am rushing on Sunday nights! This is week 3 of the classes and I have had everything done and turned in each week before 9pm. This is huge, well at least for me!
I think it's fab that I have been doing some stuff around the house. Maybe some minor stuff like sorting through bags of clothes, but hey it's something! I took two big bags to Goodwill and made two trips to Once Upon a Child with some things to sell.
I think it's fab that I have been using my calendar and that I can see how big of difference it makes with stress. If I don't write stuff down, then I constantly think about it. I forget to do it or I lose it. So by writing it down, I have slowly checked off my list!
I think it's fab that in two weekends I have a full weekend of fun stuff! Ahhhhh I get so excited! There's a couple's dinner night, a spa day with a bestie for her Birthday, and then Disney on Ice! I am making it a surprise for Hailey, so it's killing me knowing how she will react! I can't wait! It's my first time seeing that also!
So what fab things do you want to celebrate?!


  1. Hi Nikki-
    I'm visiting from Laura's linkup :) Just wanted to say congrats on having 2 wknds of fun stuff & getting some housework done. That's part of my day tomorrow. Love your blog, so cute. I'm a new follower & excited to read more! --Jessica

  2. Yay for house stuff and I'm so so excited for Disney on ice!
