
Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Eve is Tomorrow, So Let's Recap Halloween!

And since I just shared my deer farm posts which was in October, I figured it would be a great time to do a quick post about Halloween! (ha! see how I snuck that in there!)

So this year we didn't do as much fall activities as I had wanted to due to the fact that money was extremely tight because of the furlough. We didn't do pumpkins this year or go to a pumpkin patch since we just didn't have the money at the time. Luckily Hailey won a huge pumpkin from her school's Fall Festival, but we still ran out of time for carving it! Hailey and I have already made plans for next year to take the baby to a pumpkin patch so that Hailey can help it pick out it's first pumpkin and also help it carve it! (She's going to be such a good big sister!)

Anyways.....back to the story! What we did get to do, which we had never done before, was go to Knobles in PA with my cousins. This is one of the only admission free amusement parks around! You can spend the whole day there walking around for free! You don't even have to pay for parking! You buy ticket books for rides and the prices are so  much cheaper then the fair or anything like that! We spent the whole evening there for $30 which $20 was rides for both Hailey and I (We probably both did 10 big rides) and $10 for food! Everything was so cheap! I loved it and we had a great time! The girls got to wear their costumes since it was their Halloween event and everything was decorated for Halloween. I was a little disappointed that Kenny couldn't go on the trip with us since he had to work, so one year we will def have to do it again! The next day we also got to go on a hayride through the country. It was the longest hayride I had ever been on and we got to see some pretty sights!

On Halloween night, Kenny and I took Hailey out in one of the local neighborhoods. Since we are still newer to the area this was a hard decision to make, but I was happy with the one we chose! Hailey dressed up as Clawdeen from Monster High. She had this huge dark brown wig and believe me, girlfriend thought she was something. I had to add clothes to the outfit because well apparently Clawdeen thinks that less is better in the clothes department and Walmart must have agreed because the costume was pretty skimpy! We went down one street and she got a good amount of candy so we called it a day. I wish she had other kids to go with, but regardless she still had fun!

So here are some pictures from both events!

These are before we headed off to Knobles......

These are from our hayride. Clearly I was annoying both the girls with trying to take pictures because neither of them wanted to give me a smile!

This is one of the oldest standing one way bridges that are still in use!

These are from Halloween Night before Trick of Treating

PS: You will notice the kissy face look Hailey does, she just can't help it! I kept fussing at her to stop because every picture I went to take had the same "duck lip" look, but then again this is the same kid who had that look all by herself in her 1 year old baby pictures too!

Silly girl!

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