You know you are a working mom when ...
By Rebecca Rose Posted Feb. 19, 2014 @ 12:03 am
You know you are a working mom when ...
You always feel mediocre. A mediocre mom, a mediocre wife, a mediocre employee, a mediocre friend, daughter, housekeeper, you name it. You want to give 100 percent to everything in your life so you are left feeling like you always come up short.
You know you are a working mom when ...
You wonder how you are ever going to get out the door. I cringe when I hear myself say “We’ve got to go” repeatedly each morning as my two-year-old son insists on putting on his own shoes, zipping and unzipping his jacket, getting himself into his car seat. I hate that I can’t relish in all that he is accomplishing because I always feel like I’m 15 minutes late in life.
You know you are a working mom when ...
You spend the day wondering what your child is doing at day care while you sit at a desk and spend 8-plus hours with co-workers and only 4 awake hours with your kids who mean the most to you.
You know you are a working mom when ...
You finally get your kids home and instead of sitting down and playing with them you have to prep and cook dinner.
You know you are a working mom when ...
It’s 7 p.m. and you are finally taking your first bite of dinner and all of sudden your son who refused to eat his dinner wants to eat yours, on your lap, even though you made him the same thing.
You know you are a working mom when ...
You know how much you’ve longed to be with your babies all day but you find yourself counting down the minutes to bedtime because there are still dishes in the sink and more work to be done.
You know you are a working mom when ...
You rock your baby to sleep and all you want to do is rock there with him forever but again works calls, or bills have to be paid or laundry has to be done, and on the nights when it doesn’t, you know you still have to get up early in the morning.
You know you are a working mom when ...
Your “Me time” is spent folding laundry, paying bills, etc.
You know you are a working mom when ...
The weekend finally rolls around and instead of getting to relax, you have to clean house because Saturday and Sunday are your only “free” days to do this.
You know you are a working mom when ...You look at the clock and it’s 8 p.m. on Sunday and you wonder how two whole days with your babies came and went so fast and it’s already time for another workweek.
To all the other working moms out there, know you are not alone in your struggles. Know that you are doing the best you can. Know that your babies love you and feel loved. Know that what you do matters, even when you question it. Know that some day you will look back and be proud of all you accomplished. And finally, know that you were never mediocre, in fact, you are extraordinary.
I saw this posted on Facebook and though I am hesitant to normally open and read articles, especially about parenting, I decided to read this and the only thing I could do is cry. It is no secret that I struggle with being a working mom. I feel like less of a mom then people who get to stay at home. And as I have said many times, I know the job of a SAHM is not rainbows and unicorns, I just wish I could have more time with Hailey and be there while she grows up and I can't even think about Emily yet. I wish I could have more time at home to keep up with my house. My weekends are either nonstop or I waste them in bed trying to catch up on sleep and just get my sanity back. I feel like a bad person because of it, but when you are out of the house as much as I am and sleep deprieved because you are up at 4:30am, it really puts a strain on you mentally and physically. Sometimes you need to just crash. Unfortantly I also lose precious time with my family and to do everything I need to get done. It's hard to come up with a work/life balance. This article really sums up how I feel most of the time and how your days work.
The part that really stuck out to me was "You know you are a working mom when ...You always feel mediocre. A mediocre mom, a mediocre wife, a mediocre employee, a mediocre friend, daughter, housekeeper, you name it. You want to give 100 percent to everything in your life so you are left feeling like you always come up short." I feel like this is my life. I am always lacking somewhere no matter how hard I try. It's a huge struggle for me and I hope that one day things will change.
.......until then I can only continue to try my best in every way possible.
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