1. It's the first Tuesday in May! May already seems to be shaping up better then April which is a good sign! I'm starting to get really excited and looking forward to different things! Whoop Whoop!
2. We have moved mountains when it comes to getting our house organized. Now don't get me wrong, we are not yet done and still have a lot to do, but we seriously have come a long way!!!! The basement is finally set up and ready for use! I couldn't be happier with it! It's a really nice space we have now! Also the baby has a room with furniture. I just need to go through the boxes of baby things and put them away and then I can start bringing in all the new stuff. I am super happy with my house at this point! Now if I can just finish Hailey's room and tackle my room!
3. I had a doctors appointment today and things are looking good. We are going to have to wait on guidance from the cardiologist and the perinatology as we get closer. She said that we most likely will induce at 39 weeks and she recommends an early epidural to keep my calm and to better regulate my heart, but she said we will start planning all of that in the next couple weeks. It's getting very close!
4. On Thursday at my perinatology visit, baby girl was 5lbs 1 oz! She also has hair! It's so funny because you can kind of see it waving when she moved around. We switched it over to 3D/4D and real time and I got to see her sucking on her little hands. Girlfriend always has her hands at her face or in her mouth! I actually picked Hailey up early to go to my appointment since it was later in the day. She liked seeing the baby. Because of the heart issues I am having, we now have moved from every 4 weeks to weekly scans on the baby and non stress tests on the baby. He said it's always good to be precautionary.
5. We had to have a talk with Hailey because she's made some comments lately that were not just sassy, but could be hurtful to others, even if she didn't mean them to be. We went over the whole "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all". She made a few comments this past weekend around others that I felt were pretty rude, so we talked about them. I know she's only 6, but she acts like she's a teenager. I want to nip some of this sarcasm in the butt!
6. We went to AC Moore tonight to get a yellow shirt for Hailey's class' field day. While we were in there I picked up wooden letters to paint and hang in Emily's room like Hailey has. I am crossing my fingers they turn out okay when I get around to doing them!
7. My job has no maternity leave and though I have been saving forever, I still won't have enough to get me through the time period I am going to be out. I have been very thankful that I have been allowed to telework for most of my appointments and believe me they are really adding up as we are getting closer. Well after I sent a request to telework for today, my boss came and asked how many more times will I need to telework. She said that someone has placed a complaint that I am allowed to telework as often as I do and so she would approve this request, but it's up in the air for the rest until she can talk with my other boss and come to a decision. Well thanks asshole who complained, I hope you enjoy doing my work since if I have to use leave, then I am not going to be able to do it all myself! I would love to know who it was who said something. I telework because I send a request and ask to telework. I have the work to do and the equipment and ability to work from home and clearly produce results that I am productive during my time teleworking. Not my fault if others don't ask or have trouble turning on a laptop!
8. Okay, wooosaaaa! Besides for the little bump in the road, I have been in a really good mood lately and have had a pretty positive attitude. It also helps that our grass is green, my flowers are growing, and the weather has been pretty awesome lately!
9. Hailey got a little upset when she asked me when Mother's day is. I wish Kenny would just take her out and let her pick something out. He doesn't get how important that is to kids and especially Hailey. I mean it doesn't have to be anything expensive, but you know something small that she has made or picked out special to give to me.
10. I guess I will add that my Birthday is this week and I am getting pretty excited. I have no plans or anything like that, but I still can't help but get really excited for birthdays, especially my own!
Hope everyone had a happy Tuesday!!!!!
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