So my little turned 6 this past Friday! Here are some pictures of the birthday girl!

She spent her Birthday with some of her best friends she has grown up with at her very first Chucke Cheese party! The kids all had a blast playing games and there was pizza and cake!
More pictures to come in another post soon!
In other news.........
This is what happens when you run out of one of your blood pressure medication, you are overly excited about a birthday party at CEC, and you have an argument with your husband. You end up in the ER at 10pm with crazy migraines from hypertension. Needless to say once they saw my blood pressure was 221/123 I was taken back super fast and was checked over and over for signs of a stroke. They gave me some IV medication and the pills I was missing, then a sedative to help me relax. I had a CT on my head to make sure there was no bleeding from my BP being so high. Everything checked out fine and once my BP got back to more normal levels I was allowed to leave. Good news is I got the refill on my missing med! Bad news I spent the weekend dealing with that migraine!
What a cutie! And girl... please take care of yourself!