This link up said I could say any five things I wanted. So since this week started out kind of rough, I decided I wanted to share five things I am loving to end out this week!
1. I am loving that Hailey's Birthday is almost here! One week! I am so excited for her, but in the same breath I am sooooooo sad she is growing so fast!

This years theme is Lalaloopsy! Also this is the first year that I am letting her have a little kid party. It's tiny! Like 6 kids at Chuck E Cheese. These are the ones she has grown up with. She has always attended their parties, so she was excited to invite them to heres! We are also doing the family party on Saturday! I am excited for that too! Nothing special, but I always love seeing everyone! Plus I got some cute little LaLaLoopsy decorations to use!
2. I am loving that cheerleading is starting up! This is a new sport for us and our first full season sport. I think she will have fun, plus I am looking forward to meeting some of the other parents! I still really don't know anyone in our new area.
3. I am loving that the weekend is here! It's been a long week and I can't wait to just relax some and sleep in some! Anything beats 4:30am! Also we have a baby shower to go to and then over to my Grandmother's for some swimming and to see my Uncle that's in town!
4. I am loving that I can really see and feel a difference with the changes I have made in my diet. Not only have I lost 21lbs, but I have cut out so many bad habits. I really focus on what I am eatting. I am drinking more water than ever before and eating so much fruits and veggies! I just overall feel better and I have noticed that my feet and fingers are not holding water anymore! I actually LOVE that change! Myabe my wedding rings will fit soon!
5. I am loving that I have been really productive lately. I am so busy at work and really stay productive all day long. Then in the evenings I have been doing things around the house. Now let me not lead you on to much, the house is still a mess, BUT I have been doing a lot! It makes me feel not so lazy!
Join the Link Up and share any five things you want to share!
It is shocking and amazing how much food affects us and we typically don't even realize it! I too am trying to eat healthier- no processed foods or simple sugar- and it is hard! But I don't feel "puffy" even though I havnt lost much weight, I look better!