
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

10 Things on Tuesday!

1. So I never uploaded those pictures, so I don't have any updates to post! Darnit Nicole! Get with the program, but on the bright side my camera bag has been found and I now found my cord to upload pictures! I am going to write this down in my planner and make it a priority!

2. I have a job interview tomorrow for a temporary position in my office. It also may have a temporary promotion with it too, if I qualify for that grade level of course. Weather I get the promotion or not, I still would love the job and a change in job tasks. It may be a great way to open skills so that I can venture out and eventually move up one of these days!

3. Because of the interview I had to move Emily's adjustment appointment to Friday. The bad thing about this is that the only day they are local to me is on Wednesdays, which means Friday they are in Annandale and I now have to drive 2 hours north. I also had to take an early appointment so I will be dealing with rush hour like I do every day! Not fun, not fun at all!

4. The weather is warming up and I am excited! I have taken advantage of walking a couple times in the past couple weeks during my lunch break!

5. My fitbit is making me sad! The darn thing is having so many issues with it staying charged. I guess I will just have to make a point to charge it daily now. I hate that I get all these extra steps, but have no numbers to prove I am doing it. I am a visual person so if there is no actual numbers (fitbit or polar fitness watch) then it didn't happen in my mind! Kind of like the "no pictures means it didn't happen" theory!

6. Sometimes I feel like such a shitty Mom. I can't offer much to my kids in the means of sports and having opportunities. Hailey asked me if we could go to the book fair after school today and of course they will be closed by the time I get home. I can't ever make any of the after school events. I can't volunteer in her class. I want to offer her to cheer come the fall, but I can't promise I can get her to the practices or games on time. More times then not, she is late to gymnastics by 5 minutes. She never gets in bed on time. We don't eat dinner until late. I get home at 6 and just don't have enough time in a day to get everything done. When I finally got around to looking at her homework last night she had done it wrong and was already in bed. I just put it back in her folder. No point in upsetting her first thing in the morning. Hailey was talking about girl scouts, and of course when I looked into it our local group meets at 6pm at her school, which there is no way I can get her back in time. It just makes me so sad.

7. I have been slacking on my water intake this week, but I am happy to report that I made it through week 1 of beta! Holly smokes it's a lot more exhausting then the alpha. I remember when I started that I felt like I was going to die. Now I look back and think how much easier it seemed. Maybe it's just because I am not used to it!

8. I didn't log on My Fitness Pal on Sunday and lost my awesome streak! Wahhhhh! I was so disappointed when I noticed it had reset this morning!

9. I need to get my taxes completed this week. I got a message saying turbo tax was increasing their price on March 19th, so I need to get it done by then. I am almost done, just need to add two more pieces into it.

10. Thank god we don't owe taxes this year. I told Kenny that with the little bit we are getting back, I want to get a new front door, you know one with a screen that we can open and let some air in. Ha! Everyone else gets to plan trips and do awesome thing with their lump sum, and we have enough to pay towards some medical bills and afford a couple hundred on a door. It's just the way it always works out though, but I am truly thankful we don't owe!

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