So my little tootsie roll turned 5 yesterday! Where has the time gone?!?
Her Birthday party was last weekend, and I do have pictures from that, but they are on my camera with a dead battery! And guess who still is living out of boxes?!? Yup that would be me, and I have no clue in which box my charger would be! So as soon as I find it, I'll post the pictures!
So Hailey's birthday went something like this.........
We have been in between houses the past two weeks, but I decided to stay in the new house Wednesday night so Hailey could sleep in her own bed and not the blow up mattress. She was super excited when she went to bed Wednesday, and I could not help myself at midnight from waking her up and being the first one to tell her Happy Birthday! She very drowsily said "Thanks Mommy, good night now" and closed her eyes and she was out!
She woke up bright and early yesterday! She couldn't wait to open her presents. It's amazing how expensive things are, I really didn't get her too much, but boy did it add up in price! I bought her three new outfits for school, some new underwear and socks (boring), a set of earrings, a necklace with a little silver horse charm (thank you clearance!), a cute pair of fuzzy slippers, two leappad games, a clay art kit, some paint, paint brushes, and a note pad, and a pair of brown cow girl boots! Let me tell you about these boots! I debated on taking them back since I had spent a little more then I had wanted too, but I am so glad I didn't! She is in love with these boots! They look really cute with jeans, so I think I could clearly justify keeping them!
And here was her big present......She got a 20" horse! She was in love! And it came with all the stuff for grooming and feeding it!

So after presents, I let her play while I worked on some homework. I then got her dressed in one of her new tops and of course those cow girl boots! Then we went to the YMCA and got her registered for aftercare (still need to take the immunization records and birth certificates, but I am one step closer!).
Then we rushed home to pick up Kenny and we headed off to her Birthday surprise!
Well, we ended up getting stuck in major traffic, so we were 30 minutes late, but she was still excited and was able to get a 40 minute riding lesson in!
She got to go out and catch the pony with the instructor, then she helped lead it to the barn. She helped brush it and clean its hooves off. Jessica, the instructor, did an amazing job teaching her what to do and telling her some amazing facts. Then it was time to put on a vest and helmet and hit the trail! She got to learn to ride bareback for now. Jessica said it allows the children to learn more about balance when they are bareback. They can feel when they are sliding and can correct themselves easier. So then we went on a long walk. Jessica taught Hailey about the proper way to point her heels to the ground and toes to the sky. She told Hailey she looked like a pro and was impressed with Hailey's balance. Then even worked on some galloping! Hailey was very excited! She got to take Misty back and give her a cookie. Then the lesson was over! I am sad that we were late, but I am glad we were able to go and Hailey still seemed very happy! Well worth $20 (thank you livingsocial!)!
So after that, we ran by my Mom's so she could have a Birthday huge then we headed home for dinner. Hailey had one special request......Japanese Steak House!
We went to one by our new house and it was very good! Dinner was delicious and we had a whole table to our self! Then after we had finished, the waitress came out with a piece of cheese cake for Hailey with a candle, and two small bowls of sorbet for Kenny and I! It was a nice surprise, considering we had only told the cook about it being Hailey's birthday!
Then we headed home! Unfortunately, I had a ton of homework due. I had a 10 page paper, powerpoint project, and exam all due at midnight that I had not had a chance to start! It took the whole rest of the night working on that. I was able to listen to Hailey playing though in the other room. She was teaching her baby doll all the things she had learned about horses and grooming today. I was able to peek my head in and get a quick picture of that!
So all and all, she had an amazing day! She was very happy all day long and seemed very happy with everything we had done the whole day! I am so glad I was able to take off the day and could spend it with her! I still can't over the fact that she is already 5 and will be starting Kindergarten next Tuesday! I guess I got to face it, my little baby is turning into a big girl!
So here are some picture!

PS: Thank you droid for being there to capture these pictures while my camera is dead! I would have been so sad without you!
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