I finally got Hailey registered for school on last Monday at her new school! I then found out that there was a meet-and-greet session the following day for kindergartners and their parents. So the next day I took Hailey into work with me for a half day, then we went to the session. The kids went and heard a story and got a snack with the teachers, while the parents were left to get a run through on everything we needed to know and all the rules! Then we left that and rushed back to LaPlata so that Hailey could get her hair cut. She had an appointment with my Mom. It was my Mom's treat for Hailey going back to school. Then Hailey left with my Mom while I went to the doctors about my foot! Welp the MRI results were back and I have split tears in two major tendons in my ankle, the peroneus brevis and peroneus longus. This is not a good thing, but it is reassuring that I finally have an answer since I have been in crazy pain since May. So now I am in a walking air cast for 4-8 weeks with possible surgery if it doesn't correct.

So needless to say that after Tuesday I was exhausted and went home and went to sleep while Hailey spent the night at my Mom's. Wednesday was another nightmarish day! Long day at work then on top of it, I spent forever arguing with my insurance company and CVS and my doctors over getting my medicine! I got home late, had homework and ended up passing out. Then Thursday I teleworked. I had a lot to get done then I needed to run by the doctors to pick up medicine samples since my insurance denied the request (don't get me started!) and then I spent the evening just relaxing. Friday was packing day, I was off work and we had A LOT to pack. The plan was to pack as much as we could (since I was supposed to be packing each night, but you saw how that went) so that everything could be moved on Saturday. We literally packed from 9am until 3am nonstop! I took a small break to make dinner and do an exam while the Olympics started, but after that we went right back to packing.
SATURDAY aka Moving Day.........
Saturday was moving day. And despite the amount we packed, we still had a lot of stuff. Kenny had a 14ft trailer hooked to his truck, my best friend's husband brought a truck and a trailer, and then Kenny's dad had his dump truck. So we had a game plan of taking all the big furniture. So after that was loaded up, they decided they had more room in the trucks, and then the disaster started! It became a rush to pack all the kitchen and all the places that were left. I mean Kenny and his dad was grabbing boxes and literally throwing everything into them. Stuff was getting thrown away, I was trying to pack and go through it, I couldn't keep track of anything, and I just had a complete meltdown! Especially after seeing my brand new feather duster thrown into the trash! Now I have huge boxes of stuff that I have no clue whats in it. I am not sure what all got thrown away, we ended up being rushed so we only got certain things packed, I have no clue where things are. It was so upsetting! So then we drive an hour and a half to the house and start unloading. It was super hard with my foot hurt and Meagan was suppose to help originally but she had to have surgery on her hand and wasn't able to do much at all. Again, everything was moving so fast and I was overwhelmed so stuff just got put everywhere. We finished up late on Saturday, with just enough time for me to find somewhere with free wifi so I could finish my homework by midnight.
Sunday we were awaken early by Comcast setting up everything. Then I got my butt in gear and did some running around getting stuff we needed. The day blew past us and I ended up getting home from Walmart at 11pm, again just enough time to do homework and get in bed before I had to be up by 4am.
This week I have been stressed, overwhelmed, and just an anxious mess! I have so much to do and soooo much on my mind. I haven't be able to unpack any boxes. I am getting used to this long commute. I have a huge sign job to do by Saturday for a charity event for a friend. I also have a customer order to do. I have Scentsy to sort and give to the hostess. Not to mention lots of homework, plus I don't know where everything is so I am officially out of work clothes from the one bag I unpacked. So needless to say, I can't wait for a break this weekend! I think I might make Sunday a possible swim day!
You defiantly need a swim day!