When you eat better you feel better! You get more energy from good foods and less lag from not so good foods. In order to accomplish anything, I need energy. I can't work towards other goals if all I want to do is sleep. So let's take a look at what I have going on here:
- Cut out almost all fast foods- Good habit!
- Started drinking regular soda- Bad habit!
- Sit at the dinner table every night with Hailey and eat together- Good habit!
- Not measuring food to control portions- Bad Habit!
- Not drinking water throughout the day- Bad Habit!
- Going long periods between meals- Bad Habit!
- Eating sweets to satisfy my sweet tooth- Bad Habit!
- Going grocery shopping every week- Good Habit!
Daily recommended nutritional servings:
The Food Pyramid for Nutrition Guidance: A Snapshot
Here's a breakdown of the food pyramid guidelines, which now list total daily amounts in each category that you can assign to meals and snacks throughout the day:
- Grain Group: six ounce-equivalents or servings each day. Choose at least three that are whole grain.
- Vegetable Group: 2.5 cups total for five servings each day. Choose a variety of vegetables of different colors, including dark green and orange.
- Fruit Group: 2 cups total for four servings each day. Choose a variety of fruits of different colors.
- Milk Group: 3 cups each day. Yogurt, milk, and cheese (low-fat or fat-free versions are best).
- Meats and Beans Group: 5.5 ounces total for two or three servings each day. Lean meats, chicken, eggs, nuts, dried beans and peas, and fish.
- Oils: six teaspoons or servings each day. Choose mono- and polyunsaturated oils.
- Discretionary Calories: a small amount. An allotment of 100 to 300 calories can be used on foods with fats or sugars, like dessert.

So there we have it! Goal 1: Let's revamp my diet! The first step to feeling better is beginning with feeling better about my body and self!
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