
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

10 Things on Tuesday: Christmas Eve Edition!

It's Tuessssssday again!!!! And it's Christmas Eve!!!!!
1. Did you read my above comment?!? It's Christmas Eve! Craziness!!!!
2. I only have to work 4 hours today so at 11:30 I am peacing out of this place!
3. I am pretty proud of what I accomplished last night! Hailey's room was a disaster area! Like seriously only a walking path! And now it's not 100% clean, but the floor is clear and everything is picked up! Good enough for me!
4. I have been dying to make cookies. I have never made any before and I went out in the beginning of Dec. and bought all the stuff to make it! Now here it is Christmas eve and I still haven't made any. So I am hoping that it won't be a Christmas Cookie fail tonight!
5. I can not wait to go get Hailey today from my Mom's! I am super excited to see her and share her Christmas Eve excitement with her!
6. I wrote a note from Santa to give to Hailey tomorrow morning when Molly leaves! I am pretty proud of it!
7. Today is my wedding anniversary and it marks 6 years married! I am pretty proud of this because we have really had our ups and downs over the years! We are no where close to perfect, but I think we are in a better spot that we have been. We seem to listen and understand each other a bit better then we have in the past. I guess that's also a part of growing up and learning to communicate better!
(February 13th 2005)
(March 9th 2013)
8. I got my last Christmas gift last night! I was in the store for 5 minutes and spent over 30 minutes getting out of the parking lot! Ahhhh Fredericksburg is a nightmare around the Holiday time!
9. I ordered my Mom a Sephora gift card yesterday and I have the free 1-2 day shipping attached to my account, which means most stuff only takes a day! On the site it said any orders placed yesterday would not be delivered until the 26th so I went ahead and chanced it so I wouldn't have to go to the mall and.....drum roll will be here today! I am so happy about that!
10. I decided to take the rest of the week off from work. I know I need to save leave, but I seriously need some me time and I have something good planned for Friday!
So those are my Christmas Eve edition of 10 things on Tuesday! What would you like to share?!

1 comment:

  1. Love the letter from Santa! And happy belated Anniversary to you and Kenny!
